meso·pixel gallery

Monterey 2013
sea nettle jellyfish monterey bay aquarium jellyfish monterey bay aquarium green sea turtle monterey aquarium leopard shark monterey bay aquarium
January Photos
wild fungus splash wave secret getaway pacific coast secret getaway pacific coast refraction rainbow
angel island tiburon bautista
August – November Photos
skyward adventures interesting bark tree wunderlich state park Au naturale menlo park flower
chek lap kok airport calla lilies macro lens seiko diy macro lens bill
Kayaking at Shaver Lake early morning drive to YYZ hogtown poutine smokes poutinerie slow poke snail
Interesting bark at the Conservatory of Flowers
July Photos
july 4th stinson beach pork belly buns
photo portrait study homeless man weird eye charcoal drawing life charcoal drawing portrait photo charcoal drawing drapery
charcoal drawing life happy canada day!
May Photos
light cup intensity magic physics balancing forks on coin flowers reflection flowers
flowers framed portrait
Hong Kong/China '11
love locks beijing beijing scorpion on a stick still moving china hawthorn apples caramelized beijing forbidden palace importance statues
china greek philosopher fedora hong kong victoria harbour tower build your own froyo hk mongkok hong kong chicks
tugboat hong kong overcast hong kong cat cemetery hong kong taxi driver cell phones hong kong icc 101
gate 86 sfo lax SFO plane sunset
October Photos
pigeon point light house santa cruz pigeon point lighthouse santa cruz night colorized santa cruz boardwalk santa cruz sausage dog
santa cruz boardwalk night time sunset santa cruz boardwalk california santa cruz sunset boardwalk area closed santa cruz cliff
santa cruz boardwalk train tracks bridge walking on train tracks bridge santa cruz board walk ride california santa cruz beach lifeguard hut sand
baking soda powered submarines fart bumptop mac sign up insanely great
July Photos
aircraft carrier uss hornet side view mirror amtrak train station night emeryville tilt shift cars freeway micromachines hercules refinery city scape
honda crx front end bumper missing oakland docks night sky cargo ships
June Photos
genovese basil plant irish moss grass tiny white flowers blurry bike july fourth evening water droplet on blade of grass macro
curtains landscap brawn gp jensen button model minichamps bgp 001 f1 formula one
April Photos
philip j fry figurine robot elvis toronto eatons center underneath a flower looking up 14-45mm lens back inverted
glow rods neon dark grilled cheese sandwich late night snack looking up a tree trunk leaves curl up caterpillars
planes sky contrail radio towers sakura trees flowers branches looking up
March Photos
march 2011 snail shell march 2011 prairie mouse wild hills march 2011 box kite blue skies march 2011 dragon kite blue skies
march 2011 pidgeon point lighthouse dark march 2011 tulips rain spring march 2011 shoes sneakers hanging power lines march 2011 sakura trees cherry blossom
march 2011 water fountain bubbles surface trickle march 2011 grass wind blowing march 2011 hill traffic cone march 2011 motion blur arm
march 2011 night red scooter march 2011 bokeh san francisco march 2011 lighter sparks flint march 2011 robot letter blocks android
march 2011 robot portrait pen san jose tech museum march 2011 skylight san jose tech museum march 2011 pole sweater warm frilly